Category : Namibia Safari

Women’s Month: Mariëlle Wynbergen

For nearly three decades, Mariëlle Wynbergen has been an integral part of the Rovos Rail family serving as the Reservations Manager for short trips. She has seen the company grow and adapt to many challenges and has learned invaluable lessons about the importance of caring for her team and embracing change.

She is inspired by the owner and founder Rohan Vos who she describes as being full of new ideas and constantly wanting to improve the guest experience. Mariëlle believes that a company’s success is deeply intertwined with the well-being and dedication of its staff, and the fact that so many employees can boast decades of service indicates that they must be getting this right. 

Her journey with Rovos began soon after she fell in love with a ballroom dancing teacher who had family members working at the company. “My father-in-law, Oom Wyny, was the CFO for the Victoria Hotel, and my brother-in-law and his partner were the first IT employees who installed our first computers and also wrote the first reservations programme for Rovos.” After a tip-off that there was a job available, she followed their footsteps and was appointed PA to the Reservations Manager who became her mentor. She quickly learned the ropes and found her calling in promoting and selling the train.

Mariëlle’s daily routine involves a variety of tasks from answering booking enquiries and product-interest phone calls to confirming bookings, invoicing and following up on payments. She fields many interesting and sometimes humorous questions from future guests. As she aptly puts it, her job is about “putting bums in beds” – a phrase coined by one of her previous colleagues. 

Beyond the administrative tasks, Mariëlle Wynbergen takes pride in guiding and training her reservations team in the Pretoria and Cape Town offices and instilling in them the passion and dedication that is synonymous with Rovos Rail. She enjoys her job, the camaraderie among her colleagues, the interaction with guests from around the world, and the privilege of being part of an extraordinary story.

Many staff have said they could write a book about all their experiences and the interesting people they have met, and Mariëlle concurs. Two guests stand out in her memory…a couple who travel the world without luggage! Their PA packed their brand-new clothes into the cupboard on the train and, when they arrived in Cape Town, the clothes were donated. “Despite their privilege, they were one of the nicest, most unassuming and down-to-earth couples I have ever met!”

Outside of work, Mariëlle’s priorities lie with her home and her family, especially her two teenagers, her husband, and caring for her mother. She feels the words patience, consideration and compliance define her personally and professionally and shape her relationships and her approach to life. 

As Mariëlle Wynbergen looks to the future, she hopes to continue contributing her skills and knowledge while learning from the remarkable individuals she has had the privilege to work alongside. “When it’s my time to leave Rovos I hope to have been as generous as Sandy Ingram, as charming as Peter Winterbottom, as vivacious as Beatrice Colon, as kind as Christine Roberts, as knowledgeable as Joy Strydom, as confident as Estee Badenhorst, as funny as Daniela Greyling, as determined as Rohan Vos and of course will always attempt to be a workhorse like Heike Gerntholtz,” she laughs. 

Mariëlle’s dedication and commitment embody the spirit of Rovos Rail – a special company that enriches the experiences of guests and colleagues alike. 

Written by Linda Sparks • Edited by Bianca Vos-Lynch

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Women’s Month: Karin Whitaker

In the heart of Rovos Rail’s bustling operations, a stalwart figure has been present in the Accounts department for nearly three decades. Karin Whitaker fulfils the role of debt controller responsible for managing and allocating outstanding payments and addressing queries regarding the financial side of train bookings. It is a post she’s grown into over the years and one that she has become extremely skilled at through hands-on experience. “You learn as you go,” she quips with a knowing smile.

Karin’s association with Rovos Rail dates back to a chance opportunity in 1995 when she heard from a friend that the company needed extra staff to work as train hosts over the New Year’s weekend. Little did she know that weekend stint would evolve into a lifelong career spanning various positions within Rovos Rail, including front office manager and eventually finding her niche in finance.

Despite the demands of her job, Karin approaches it with a light-hearted spirit. “Asking people for money is my favourite part,” she jests. Beneath the humour, it is clear that Karin is passionate about Rovos and that it’s rewarding for her to play a role in helping the company thrive financially. “It is an honour to be a part of Rovos’ history seeing the company grow from just one train and 17 coaches when I began to six trains and 140 coaches today.”

A job with Rovos is always full of surprises, and Karin has had many memorable moments. “So many,” she laughs, “I think most of us could draft a book!” One of these saw the entire team on a comical chase down the train tracks at Capital Park wrangling Betty the ostrich back into the yard after she had escaped.

Beyond the numbers, Karin’s time at Rovos has been a journey of personal growth. Interacting with colleagues and passengers from diverse cultural backgrounds has instilled in her a deep sense of compassion and understanding. “Kindness and a smile can have an enormous impact on others,” she reflects. Close bonds have been formed with her colleagues over the years and they all have a deep fondness for Karin. “We really are family,” she explains, “and we have had so much fun together along the way.”

Of all the destinations Karin has travelled to during her time with Rovos, Namibia holds a special place in her heart for its breathtaking landscapes and natural beauty.

Karin is a devoted animal lover, volunteering at rescue groups and dedicating time to reuniting lost pets with their owners. At work, she watches over the resident animals, most of which are rescues: donkeys Romeo and Juliet, Tori the horse and the Nguni cattle, Camilla and Mia Bella as well as the late ostriches and alpacas. At home, she enjoys her own furry companions, a large collection of black cats. Another interesting tidbit is that Karin has an identical twin and boasts of being five minutes older than her sister!

Confident, strong and independent: Karin’s three-word self-portrait that aptly describes her character and approach to life. She takes pride in her ability to adapt to change, a skill that has served her well in the often unpredictable South African railway industry. As for her future, she simply aspires to find happiness in all facets of life.

With her dedication to her job and her vibrant personality, it is clear that Karin’s contribution is integral in keeping Rovos Rail on track. And her almost 30-year journey with the company is a testament to Rovos’ commitment to fostering long-term relationships with its team.

Written by Linda Sparks • Edited by Bianca Vos-Lynch

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Darling Namibia and a new video!

We’re all taught not to have favourites, especially when it comes to children, but our seven journeys are like our children and the Namibia Safari is our new darling! We don’t know how it happened but this exceptional train journey has stolen our attention and now every one of us wants to step aboard to experience this remarkable trip.

Perhaps it’s the stark vistas of the Northern Cape, the grandeur of the Fish River Canyon – the second in size to the Grand Canyon – or the untamed beauty of the Kalahari desert. Perhaps it’s the fly-in safari into the Sossusvlei clay pan, which is surrounded by some of the highest sand dunes in the world including Dune 45, which has been penned as “the most photographed dune in the world”. We really don’t know but the Namibia Safari has something special and we feel it whenever guests convey their experience through their comment sheets or wonderful letters.

We’re thrilled that we’ve had to add another departure to the schedule and so now offer two trips each year!

It’s been a goal ours for a few years to capture this trip on camera, both photography and video, but shoots like these are an enormous expense so it always got pushed to the bottom of the list. Brenda, our Communications Manager, has been pestering for budget for years and she finally got her way in 2014!

Brenda contracted one of our favourite photographers and videographers, Ross Hillier, to capture this extraordinary nine-day journey and finally found him space on the Swakopmund to Pretoria leg in May last year. Together with Keenan Ferguson, Ross travelled on the train and went on all the excursions, which is a first as he usually has to chase the train by car!

We think the two artists did a remarkable job and we were so thrilled to be able to hand over the beautiful footage to 10th Street Media to edit for us. In Ross’s words: “I’ll film it but someone else needs to make the edits otherwise you’re going to have a 45-minute video on your hands”. We guess each clip or photograph is a labour of love so someone else needs to decide what stays and what goes!

We finally handed over the hard drive to Darren Kerr and his team from 10th Street Media this year and we think they did a superb job. We look forward to future collaborations with this exceptional team.

Watch the video here.

If you would like any further information on this lovely journey then please do not hesitate to contact Querida Nel on 

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Rovos Rail Namibia Safari

A Lovely Letter

We’re in the fortunate position where our guests send us letters; some nice and not-so-nice! Below is an excerpt from a lovely letter we received from a passenger who travelled one of our nine-day Namibia Safari trips with us this year. She writes so beautifully we want to hire her!

Dear Mr Vos

It is literally one week ago that I was enjoying the final leg of the Rovos Rail journey through Namibia. I am again travelling by train, this time through the Scottish Borders and Northern England and having a very different experience. We are all tightly packed, mainly well behaved, drinking from plastic containers and I have not, as yet, braved the loos! But heigh-ho, horses for courses as the saying goes.

But really I want to compliment and congratulate you on your vision in creating a truly superb rail experience. I am still held in the fabulous fantasy bubble of the journey and continue to delight in ‘mulling over’ the sights, sounds and experiences which we shared.

We were blessed by having a really affable and fun group which, in general, gelled very well but this was in no small part due to the welcoming, friendly, tirelessly engaging and train, headed impeccably by Daphne. Nicholas, the font of all African wisdom and knowledge, added immeasurably to our insight of the political geography of your fascinating continent. We certainly left the train physically more challenged, from all the walks and the delicious food and beverages, and hopefully more educated with with heightened awareness and empathy towards the millions who do not have the numerous privileges that most of the ‘Pride of Africa’ guests enjoy.

On reaching Pretoria and seeing the workshops, loco sheds, the nurturing bird and animal sanctuaries etc. and knowing that a percentage of your profits are ear-marked for charitable causes I really wanted to sign on the dotted line and join up! As I have never worked for anyone else, apart from one and a half years of teaching, that is a compliment to your business and it’s implied ethics.

Excursions on the Namibia Safari were wonderful – in particular the sundowner which turned into a full-blown barbeque – it was fabulously romantic, imaginative and unforgettable. In fact, I think Sossusvlei was a real highlight for most of us. The dune walk was absolutely exhausting, exhilarating, fun-packed and mind-blowing.

I thank you and praise you again for your realised vision and would, God willing, that I may be permitted to travel Africa by Rovos Rail again.

Click here to watch our Namibia Safari video.

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